Taking Care Of Your Hips: 4 Critical Ways

by | Feb 9, 2021 | Health & Wellness

We don’t often notice the sensation of our hips moving and doing their job unless there’s a problem. However, when an issue does occur, it highlights how much we use our hips in almost every movement we make. Sadly, if we are unlucky enough to experience a hip problem or injury, it can impact our entire range of motion, not to mention be very painful indeed. That’s why we must do everything we can to look after our hip health… a topic you can read all about in the post below.

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Pay attention to what your body is telling you

Our bodies are amazing biological machines and they have all sorts of safeguards built into them. One of these safeguards is pain and discomfort, the body’s way of signaling to our brain that something is wrong. Of course, this signaling system only works if we pay attention to it and that is why we must tune into the messages the body is giving us, especially when it comes to our hips.


However, there is often a fine line between a little discomfort felt when exercising which is natural, and genuine pain that can signify a greater problem. Often, these two types of sensations can be distinguished by their speed and intensity. That is if you have a quick, sharp pain, it is much more likely to be an underlying issue that needs to be treated by an ortho specialist. If you experience this, you will also need to stop exercising right away to prevent further damage.

However, a slower, tingling pain may just be your muscles working. Although any pain in the hips that lingers past a few days is also best checked out by a medical professional.

Eat a collagen promoting diet

We all know that what we eat is important. However, what you might not be aware of is that there are certain nutrients that our hips need to function effectively.


In particular, a diet rich in vitamin C is a good idea. The reason being that this is a vital building block in the production of collagen. This is the springy material that helps to keep joints like your hips lubricated, and can help minimize the risk of fracturing too.

Antioxidants are another helpful thing to include in your diet if you’re looking to keep your hips as healthy as possible. The reason for this is that there is evidence to suggest they reduce inflammation and protect against damage in all areas of the body including the hip joints.

Be mindful around the home

For most of us, the place in which we feel the most relaxed and safe is our home. Unfortunately, statistics show that our homes are also the place where the most accidents and injuries happen! Of course, slips, trips, or falls are bad news for the health of our hips, and in some cases can cause fractures that take a long time to recover from.

With that in mind, taking stock of how freely, and safely you can move through your home is a smart idea. Look for potential hazards such as small steps and ledges that can be hard to see when you are in a rush, and either mark them so they are clearer or create a ramp so they are no longer a trip hazard. Cleaning away clutter and making sure you have enough room to safely navigate your home is vital as well if you want to minimize any risk to your hip health.

Work out

There are so many reasons why exercising is good for your hips. The first is that by putting stress on your bones by moving your muscles, you can help improve bone density, something that means joints like your hips will stay more robust over time.


Also exercising is perfect for boosting muscle strength, and encouraging flexibility. Indeed, some activities such as yoga are perfect for helping to ensure your hips retain a healthy range of motion as you age.

Lose weight

Losing weight can be tough, but there are some real advantages you can benefit from if you do choose to shed the pounds. One of these in particular is better hip health. This is because by exercising you can help keep your weight in a healthy range which will place less stress on your hips as you use them day to day. All of which can add up over time, and help to keep your hips healthier for much longer.