Maintaining Good Oral Hygiene (5 Oral Health Tips)

by | Jun 27, 2021 | Health & Wellness

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Oral hygiene is essential for maintaining the health of one’s teeth and gums. It includes behaviors like brushing twice a day and getting regular dental exams. Oral health is about more than cavities and gum disease. According to research, there is a link between a person’s oral health and general health. Furthermore, oral health issues, according to experts, are a worldwide health burden.

Untreated dental decay and dental problems may cause pain, self-esteem problems, and possible tooth loss. These concerns may result in malnutrition, speech impairments, and other difficulties at work, school, or in one’s personal life. Proper dental care, both at home and at the dentist’s office, may help you avoid these issues.

The following are some of the greatest methods for maintaining healthy teeth and gums.

Brush Regularly but Not Aggressively

Brushing your teeth twice a day is one of the essential habits for eliminating plaque and germs from your teeth and keeping them clean. Brushing, on the other hand, may only be beneficial if you employ the proper technique.

You should brush in tiny circular movements, making sure to brush each tooth’s front, rear, and top. This procedure takes between 2 and 3 minutes to complete. You should avoid back-and-forth sawing movements.

You can damage the tooth enamel and gums by brushing too forcefully or with a firm-bristled toothbrush. This may cause dental discomfort, irreversible damage to the protective enamel of teeth, and gum erosion.


Flossing is vital for removing plaque and food debris that is too small for your toothbrush to penetrate. The area directly under the gum line and the small spaces between teeth are particularly vulnerable to plaque accumulation and hardening into tartar.

There are many different types of flossing tools on the market today. You can choose between manual and electric flossers, as well as a variety of other options that include:

-Water flossers
-Floss picks
-Dental floss

Each type of flossing tool has its own set of pros and cons, so it’s important to choose the one that’s right for you. If you’re looking for a powerful and efficient way to clean your teeth, an electric flosser is a great option. Click here to see more information about the electric flosser.

Without frequent flossing, plaque and tartar accumulation may result in cavities and dental issues such as uneven tooth development.

Food and Drink To Consume With Caution

Chewy fruits and veggies, such as pears, celery, and apples, are ideal for snacking between meals because chewing increases saliva production, preserving teeth.

You should consume water freely while avoiding soft drinks and fruit juice beverages.

Fruit juices include a lot of sugar, which is harmful to your teeth. Using a straw to sip these beverages may help decrease the length of exposure time to the acid. Chewing sugar-free bubblegum for ten min after eating may also help reduce the risk of tooth decay.

Do Not Smoke

The CDC lists smoking as a risk factor for gum disease, and the ADA warns that smokers may suffer delayed healing following dental treatment. Smoking also impacts the look of the mouth, causing yellowing of the teeth and tongue and giving breath a foul odour.

Fix Crooked Teeth

Straighter teeth do enhance one’s overall look and increase one’s confidence. However, teeth straightening is necessary in cases of severe misalignment since it may develop into periodontitis, which raises the risk of heart disease.

In addition, the infected bone below the gum line may produce a bacterial infection in the cardiac stream, affecting the heart valves. Installing braces is always most people’s first option which can be expensive to install and maintain. Therefore, choosing an affordable alternative to braces like retainers can save you a lot and restore your teeth and confidence.


Good dental care may help your teeth and gums stay healthy from birth through maturity. Brushing and flossing regularly, quitting smoking, eating a healthy diet, and getting regular dental exams may help you prevent cavities, gum disease, and other oral problems. It may also be beneficial to your general health.