Wellness resources, musings & more.




How Can Buying A Home Benefit Your Kids?

How Can Buying A Home Benefit Your Kids?

Image Source Buying a home can be an exciting process, giving you the chance to free yourself from the burden of rent while also making life easier in the process. Many people choose to do this because they want to make their own lives better, but it can also be worth...

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How To Combat Muscle Pain After Working Out

How To Combat Muscle Pain After Working Out

If you’re someone who often experiences quite intense muscle pain after working out, you might feel as if there’s nothing that works to prevent it. But there might be some options that you’ve haven’t tried out yet. The last thing you want is for these aches and pains...

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Self-Published Books

My 2 self-published cancer-related books are out! Get the hard copy or ebook of each on Amazon, Shopee and PumplePie!

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I share my story as a Filipina in California winning 1 day at a time amidst metastatic breast cancer.

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